Olivia Tellier identifies as a neurodiverse person with comorbid learning and physical impairments. She believes her lived experiences have shaped her resilience, ability to self-compensate, and her drive to influence social change.
Born in Edmonton, Alberta, Olivia lived in a range of different communities before moving to Toronto in 2018 for better educational and career opportunities. She now lives in Edmonton, where she is working towards a degree in psychology at University of Athabasca through their online program. She’s experienced challenges in life as a neurodiverse person with disabilities, which has created a desire to help others that are similar to her. She strongly advocates for greater acceptance and understanding of neurodiverse people as a community and as individuals.
Olivia aspires to research how neurodiverse individuals are affected by medical and mental health challenges. She also participates in creating online content relating to tabletop games and video games.